Anyone who loves tubing the Oxbow, fishing or camping at the Pine River Flowage and green energy, please attend a public open house Tuesday, July 30th from 5pm -7pm at the Wild Rivers Interpretive Center lower level conference room at 5628 Forestry Drive, Florence, WI to voice your concerns. The Wisconsin DNR issued a final draft of a new 15-year Northeast Sands Regional Master Plan. The WDNR added content aimed at removing the green energy producing Pine River Dam which will eliminate the Pine River Flowage where many people have enjoyed fishing and camping since the dam was built in 1919. The plan also includes language indicating possible future “use restrictions” for the popular Pine River Oxbow tubing trips. In addition, thousands of acres of state owned land will move to old growth forest management which with hurt the regional forest industry and reduce the diversity of plants and animals on those lands. To comment online go to homepage for a link to the DNR online info. The comment period is open through August 21, 2019. There is a 2nd open house on Wednesday, July 31 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm in Crivitz at the Crivitz Community Center, Multi-purpose Room, 901 Main Avenue, Crivitz, WI.
Save the Pine River Flowage!